Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

I had a quiet Christmas and New Years. Deb's colleague Kris visited for a few days between the holidays. We had the chance to go snowshoeing and do some site seeing. It was a really enjoyable visit.

New Years Eve was spent with Deb and her sister Dana, in Saranac Lake's for their First Night celebration. For a $10 pass, they had a number of venues featuring a wide variety of music. We saw a local madrigal group and a local Celtic band. Denise and I had see the Celtic band at McDougal's pub (only 5 miles away from Bleak House, at the Hungry Trout Restaurant). By 9:00 pm it was -2ยบ so we made it an early night.

I listen to WUMB radio a lot. It's an (almost) 24/7 "folk music" station operated by U. Mass. -Boston. I get it through streaming audio on the web and run it into my stereo. Last sunday some one mentioned this quote from President and Five Star General Dwight D. Eisenhower:
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children....
This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense.
Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from an iron cross."

Be well my friends.


  1. "I listen to WUMB radio a lot. It's an (almost) 24/7 "folk music" station operated by U. Mass. -Boston."

    I beg to differ, but as a Boston-area resident and long-time listener, WUMB is NOT a folk station. It may have been in the past but about one year ago switched to AAA format and dropped all self-references, from on-air announcements to logo to website to "folk".

    I recommend two sources of streaming and broadcast folk stations and programs:

    >400 Folk, Bluegrass, Celtic & Native American music shows on the internet

    Broadcast & internet folk/roots radio stations

    Calendar of folk/roots programs in the Northeast USA

    Note: a Yahoo account and NEFolknRoots group registration (both free) are required to access second and third.

  2. Michael Cooney says, "if you know who wrote it, it isn't a folk song". By that criteria, is any station a folk stations? iTunes lists WUMB under "Folk" radio. If they play the Weavers more than once a week, it's a "folk" station to me.
