I had the chance to do some snowshoeing over the weekend. We got about a total 16" of snow in two storms. I was over at Denise's for two nights while my driveway was being plowed. There are acres of woods behind her house most of which are owned by the Nature Conservancy. It's GREAT place to snowshoe. There is a quarry back there and on top you can see across Lake Champlain to Vermont and sometimes all the way to the Green Mountains. Be sure to check out Denise's blog for some great pic from our snowshoeing
excursions. Look for "Dog Daz" to the right ->.

Deb will be driving up on the 24
th and we'll be at Denise's for Christmas day. We're planning on lots of snowshoeing during her 8 day visit.
The driveway was plowed and sanded a second time this morning. Then unexpectedly the propane truck showed up. So I've got a full 400 gallons of fuel to keep us warm.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
Be well my friends.
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