Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I had the chance to do some snowshoeing over the weekend. We got about a total 16" of snow in two storms. I was over at Denise's for two nights while my driveway was being plowed. There are acres of woods behind her house most of which are owned by the Nature Conservancy. It's GREAT place to snowshoe. There is a quarry back there and on top you can see across Lake Champlain to Vermont and sometimes all the way to the Green Mountains. Be sure to check out Denise's blog for some great pic from our snowshoeing excursions. Look for "Dog Daz" to the right ->.

Deb will be driving up on the 24th and we'll be at Denise's for Christmas day. We're planning on lots of snowshoeing during her 8 day visit.

The driveway was plowed and sanded a second time this morning. Then unexpectedly the propane truck showed up. So I've got a full 400 gallons of fuel to keep us warm.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
Be well my friends.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

We got the first real snow of the year last night. After predicting 5"-8" we got 11". Since it was cold during the storm, it's a very very light fluffy snow. The little shoveling I have to do, weighed next to nothing. But we expect a much bigger storm on Sunday!!

I know it's not to every ones liking, but for me the novelty of living in a place with real snow hasn't worn off. I'll be out snowshoeing around noontime today.

Checkout the forecast for the week: http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USNY0727_f.html

Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm little under the weather right now. Seems I picked up a cold while visiting in Southern New Jersey last week. I'm not a pleasant person when I'm sick. Since it doesn't happen often I'm not used to it. Denise and I had hoped to drive over to Burlington, VT on Sunday to see a performance of the Metropolitan Opera broadcast live to a movie theater in High Definition. But if my head doesn't clear by then we'll have to try it some other time. I've been wanting to try this for while. You can see where you might catch this is your area:

It's been plenty cold this week. The rivers are starting freeze where the current is slow. This is the East Branch of the AuSable River near the house. These rapids don't freeze completely but much of the river up and down stream from them does. It's very pretty.

We're expecting 3"-5" of snow tonight and then real snow on Sunday, maybe 12" more. They are very good at predicting the snow falls here but only 24 hours in advance. So we'll have to see. We'll definitely have a white Christmas here.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Last night it was -4°F (-20°C) and windy, which is VERY unusual. This morning, it's as clear as can be. I'm looking forward to bundling-up and going out in the first really cold Adirondack day this winter.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter time and living is easy

Just a quick peek at the latest snow at Bleak House. We're in that season of at least flurries everyday. We won't have many days with the temperature above freezing, until maybe the, not uncommon, January thaw. The temperature is predicted to be 2°F (-17°C) tonight and 6°F (-14°C) tomorrow. Time to break-out the Calvados.