After 2 weeks of "Indian Summer", we had the coldest morning so far this fall today: 23F (-5C). Yesterday, Jay Mtn. was covered in snow and heavy frost. The sun rise behind it made the mountain glow in silver. It was simply beautiful. Lots of frost on my car this morning and a red sun rise over Jay.
The ground is freezing so snow we get now will be here till spring. They had another 2"-3" in Lake Placid earlier this week so we're getting a base for skiing and snow shoeing. Here's a web cam for Lake Placid: final electrical inspection is sometime to day. Then I can get the certificate of occupancy and the loft will be done. It has a double bed already and I'm still deciding on other furniture.
Last night Denise and I had dinner at the AuSable Inn in Keene Valley. Wednesday night is Mexican night. It was our first time at this restaurant and we were pleasantly surprised. A really nice dinning room with knotty pine walls, a great stone fireplace, nice bar and very friendly service. The regular menu looked very interesting, especially the soups, tomato basil, baked potato with ham, and another I don't remember. We went for the Mexican, that's why we went there. It was good but not great. I'd have it again but I want to try the other menu sometime soon.
I'm going to be in South Jersey for a few days next week to catch up with people then off to Turkey Bowel XXXVIII. That's the yearly get-together with my college friends. The football game isn't much anymore but we do enjoy our yearly get together. I'm having Thanksgiving here with Deb and her sisters. Diane is flying in from Fort Worth with her boy friend for the holiday.
Here's a picture from Tom and Dorlores' visit. The AuSable Chasm is a gorge on the AuSable river (after the East and West branches meet) near Port Kent. I've never done the walk along the chasm but Denise has as well as the "white water" rafting. It's on my short list of thigs to do next summer. There's also horse backing riding.

That's all for now. Be well my friends!