There's no picture of a nice snowy scene this time. The storm that dumped plenty on the east coast from DC to Boston gave us about 1". It was too far east to give us significant snow.
Last week we had some temperatures in the 40s and most of the snow we did have melted except where the plows have piled it. Since those 2 warm days, it's been REALLY cold. Lows around 5º and highs in the low 20s. I like playing in the snow. But I must say, the cold without the snow is a real drag - what's the point. I'm looking forward to spring now.
You may remember that I did get 2 TV stations with the rabbit ears on my TV, NBC and FOX. The stations here decided to go ahead with the move to digital on February 17. They didn't wait for the new June date. The NBC affiliate has a new location for their digital transmitter. It's on Mt. Manfield, northeast of Burlington, VT. That's about 50 miles away instead of the 20 miles away for the old tower.
Well, now I get no TV at all. I'm not a big fan of network TV but it is nice to get a bit of local news and weather, the NBC Nightly News, and Jeopardy. My first try with an outside antenna was a bust. When we get a warm day, I'll try again with the new antenna but 5º is too cold to fool around with it.
I don't think a satellite dish will work either - too many trees to the southwest. Not sure what or if I'll do anything about TV.
The joke up here on Groundhog day is: So 6 more weeks of winter - not bad.
Be well friends.
Say it out loud. Say it with actions.
5 years ago
It has been too cold to spend time on antennas. Today was nice in Willsboro, though. And I totally agree on the cold; if it's not accompanied by snow, then it might as well go away.